I was with a friend who asked me to come with her to the masjid for Tajweed class. We walked to the masjid and went in. There was a lot of women and men there. I was then told to pray Isha by a man whose face I couldn’t see. He said all my prayers would be answered as my intention was pure.
All of a sudden everyone started to gather around a Pir in the masjid he was reciting Qur’an and mentioning names of Saints and why we should respect them but got interrupted by a young woman who came up to him and she had black eyes and kept looking at everyone in the face but I couldn’t bring myself to look into her eyes. The Pir began reciting Qur’an over her and black smoke came out of her mouth. I then woke up
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
Pray for all of us. Be careful of those who don’t believe in Pirs and Saints.
Dr. Karim