Dream: Hajjah Amina in my dream


Salam, I had a dream recently with Hajjah Amina. It was a gathering for ladies we sat around Hajjah Amina. My mother was there also. Then Hajjah Amina got up and walked away turned and looked back at me and put her hand out as if to reach towards me and also looked at my mother so we got up held Hajjah Amina’s hand we walked away from everyone we were talking  all three of us cried we hugged I remember the feeling of Hajjah Amina’s hands so soft just like my mothers. I was so upset and i was being comforted by Hajjah Amina. In reality I have recently just got married and have been really stressed and upset with alot of things. I felt Hajjah Amina was being there for me and comforting me she was also comforting my mother. I want to know the meaning of this dream.thanks.


Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Stretching her hand represents that Hajjah Amina (Q) will be very generous in supporting you and your mother spiritually for your difficult times in Dunya and in Akhira. Hajjah Amina’s crying means she will intercede for your difficulties to come down. Her soft hand means she is praying for you with motherly love for you. This support will come through your private prayers and pleas and cryings to Allah indicated by isolation from others. So in summary, engage in worship of Allah in the privacy of your home, do your daily 5 prayers and awrad, and very importantly add her name in the Ihda. After the Ihda, ask Allah for the sake of Hajjah.

Syed Shahzaman

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