Hazrat Imam Hussain Dream


I dreamt that I was shielding a baby in a cradle with my body. There were people trying to attack it. I saw a man everyone was kissing his hand saying it is Imam Hussain but in my dream I did not believe it. They told me I have done the Ziarat of Imam.


Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatuhu,

This dream inshaAllah was alerting you to be familiar with the family of ahlul bayt in all stages of their lives. The baby in the cradle is the progeny of Rasoolullah, salla Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, inshaAllah. Alhamdulillah, the love is in your heart and you’re motivated to love them and protect them with yourself.

InshaAllah Imam Husayn `alayhi ‘s-salam has also come to you to confirm your love, but if you didn’t believe it that means you need to familiarize yourself more with the character of ahlul bayt to recognize them better, inshaAllah. However, they’re generous and merciful alhamdulillah and so they have accepted your ziyarah and this is a great sign inshaAllah for you to become motivated and to know them better inshaAllah.

Wal hamdulillah rabbil `alameen,

Ali Hussain

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