Dream: Heard a child praising Allah


As Salam o Alaikum
I was just having a regular dream – nothing special. Then I started hearing a child reciting a form of the 1st Kalimah. He was constantly repeating it (and also adding praises for Allah and his Prophet (s)) – just not in the usual order, but rather mixing the words around to make them sound more melodious. (I dont know arabic). I couldnt see or hear anything other than this

The child was a boy – sounded barely adolescent. The way he recited it was filled with tremendous sadness and the hope of eventual happiness and salvation. I was aware that tears had started flowing out of my eyes – but I was crying calmly, not uncontrollably. It only lasted for about 15 seconds, because I woke up, the tears still in my eyes, the sadness and hope and eventual happiness still lingered.


wa `alaykum salam,

That child is your soul in its spiritual form, reciting the praises and glorification which were written for it to do as worship on the Day of Promises and Allah knows best. Crying is a sign of joy, and insha-Allah you will continue to receive inspirations from that heavenly connection due to your constancy in spiritual practices.

Taher Siddiqui

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