Dream: hearing the voice of the dead


Asalamu Ale’kum, i dreamed that i walked in my house and as soon as i steeped in the door i heard the voice of my father who passed away several years ago. his voice was comin from towards the refrigerator i couldnt see him only his voice he said my name three-times in a tone that he wanted to grab my attention..this a dream from several months ago.


wa `alaykum salam,

This dream is a signal from your father from the “other side” that you need to recall him more, and to pray for him and donate rewards of any recitation that you do to him.  He did a lot for you, now is your turn to do for him, for “the good deeds of the Children of Adam are cut except from three things”, according to the hadith where the Prophet (s) said, “sadaqatun jariya, a flowing donation that you give in any way, a righteous child that remembers you when you die and prays for you, and knowledge you leave behind that from which people benefit.”

Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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