I had a dream that was like I was inside my body. I could hear my
heart saying “Allah”. It was so fast, like being in turbo-charge; thousands of “Allah” all at once. While it’s happening, it’s like I know how to do it. I feel amazed at myself at forgetting. I recall thinking “no wonder Holy people can Zikr so many at once. This is so easy” As usual waking up brings the forgetting :( and I so want it back :(
Salaams…my husband Insha Allah will make a donation :) Thank you :)
wa `alaykum salam,
The reality is that we can not survive without Allah’s dhikr. Most people are unaware of this truth. If for one second our hearts are not making dhikr we will cease to be. Your dream is showing you this reality, which is a sign you are on the path of truth.
Ali Elsayed