Forgive me, if this is not proper to be asked in public, I don’t mind if it is not uploaded to eShaykh.
I saw Maulana Sh. Nazim visited me & talk to me. At first I don’t have doubt, that it is really happened. But in few past day, there is doubt in me. Even that Maulana Sh. Nazim told me to leave doubt, He also told me spiritually speaking, that no one can duplicate him.
I have doubt because, when my brother in naqsabandi, told me that he also met maulana in spiritual. He told me manythings, I just listen & sometimes answered his questions. But the discussions, instead raising my believe, it makes me feel the doubt. Is it really happened, or is it my ego.
How to make the differences, when it is really happened, or when my ego cheated me?
Thank you Sayyidi, Wassallaamu’alaykum
Wa `alaykum salam,
No, rather your ego and shaytan are trying to convince you the spiritual power of the Shaykh is not sufficient to meet with you spiritually, thereby undermining the underpinnings of your belief in tariqah, tasawwuf and awliyaullah. Ignore these whisperings and ignore the claims of this brother who is only showing off in order to capture your loyalty and make you his “slave.”
and Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui