Assalamu Alaikum Shaykh,
My Name is [private] and I am 31 years old. From more than 15 years I am facing big problems where in my dream for some reasons I will get scared and wake up, because i will see somebody hitting me or sometimes I fall down from top, or sometimes some animals attacks me, or some times i see some snakes.My life daybyday getting in troubles, Iam becoming weak day by day and with very difficulty Iam tolerating all my problems.Where getting more scared day by day and not able to do anything and not able to think anything to do.Even if i think something to do and immediately I will get some negitive scareness that my work will not become success. Please can you help me for getting out from this trouble, i have taken help from many peoples but till now no shifaa.
Thanks you very much…
wa ‘alaykum salam,
These dreams are showing the wildness of your ego attacking the purity of your soul. You need a living murshid to support your soul and heart and to give you a prescription of Dhikr which will protect your good character from the four enemies, nafs, dunya, hawa, shaytan.
Taher Siddiqui