Dream: I just broke my habit!


I dreamt that I am meeting with a nun who used to teach me when I was younger.
We are meeting after many years, in the city I grew up in, and it is a pleasant surprise. We are both happy to see each other and start talking and walking when all of a sudden the floor gives way under us and I realize that we were at quite a height and both of us are now falling down.
This is a miraculous falling down because we just descend with our feet down however in the process my hijab falls off. I say – “gee! I just broke my habit” The nun and I laugh at this pun and as we land there is a photographer taking our pictures because this was a miraculous fall!


audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah you will be able to guide people of different backgrounds to find spirituality.  Ask Allah’s (swt) support and know that He is the One who changes peoples hearts and gives guidance.  Don’t depend on yourself or you will fall down.  And Allah knows best.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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