We were at an outdoor Friday prayer. There were a lot of people waiting for imam. My friend, very knowledgeable than me, asked me to lead the prayer. I refused and pointed someone else. Then, two men went to look for the imam and came back without the imam. My friend asked me again, and I found myself in front of the congregation. Someone did the iquama, and I started leading the prayer with huge pressure. After first rakat I mistakenly sat down, and suddenly saw someone in front of me reminding me to get up. I realized the mistake and got up to finish the prayer with a corrective sujud at the end.
First rakat: I loudly recited Al-Fatiha and the last two verses of Surah At-Tahubah.
Second rakat: I loudly recited Al-Fatiha and Surah An-Nasr.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm :
This dream is a teaching not to give value to our actions as they are mixed with our ego and our desire, and that we need to ask Allah (swt) forgiveness and seek His Mercy, through the guidance of Awliya’ullah that are represented in your dream by the man in front of you.
And Allah knows best.