Dream: Imam Ali, Sayeda Fatima, and Imam Mahdi (a.s)


I had a dream where I was with Imam Ali(a.s) and I was crying for him in his presence and then he began to leave because he did not want to watch me cry. So then his wife Sayeda Fatima (a.s) began to cry because she did not want Imam Ali to leave. So I told the Imam to stay and I would go. I left and I arrived at a mosque. In the mosque I entered a small room and I saw Imam Mahdi in the form of a child. I turned around and he changed into a full adult and he was in salah. As other people began to enter the room he left.

I had this dream when I was 12 years old…7 years ago.


Sayyida Fatima (as) not wanting Sayyidina `Ali (r) to go means the presence and blessing of Ahl al-Bayt through Sayyida Fatima (as) and Sayyidina `Ali (r) are disappearing from this earth; they cannot be restored due to the nearly infinite ignorance, darkness, and oppression without the appearance of Sayyidina al-Mahdi (as) supported by heavenly powers.

And Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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