Dream: In a handicrafts shop


Dear Shaykh, Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatahu,

In dream, I was in a handicrafts shop like Hobbycrafts in UK. I am seated and a Western woman of about 55-65 yrs says to me: you have permission to do handicrafts all day, everyday, as much as you like! Then in a separate scene, I see a white dog: sitting and emaciated/injured and in a very bad way.

Is it ok to follow this dream, of course whilst upholding ibadah too, please?


Alaykum Salam,

May Allah bless you. Handicrafts is close to Sunna and is a good occupation. Famished dog is your lower self which is helpless against you because you have strengthened your soul so continue.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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