Dream: In a mosque with a brother


Assalam alaykoum warahmatoullahi,

I was in a mosque with a big jama’a, we were all wearing white clothes. Than I felt like it’s late and that someone needed to make a kind of khutba. So I went in front of the mic and began to speak, but strangely my back was turned to the jama’a. Then I heard the voice of an old man, whom I saw in Cyprus, who told it was to a brother of my local dergah to speak. I felt ashamed because of my arrogance and went back. My brother started to speak with a sheet of paper in his hand, his back turned to the jama’a too.

Thank you for your time, may Allah bless us with the company of Mawlana Soultan al Awliya and his very noble representatives Sheikh Hisham and Sheikh Adnan. Allah bless you all inshAllah.



a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salam,
This dream can mean that you did something opposite of the Sunna and Jama`a that you did not know of, but the jama`a did. Your brother likes to defend you. Feeling ashamed is a good sign that you are going to correct yourself.

And Allah (swt) knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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