In real life, my dad is in his seventies. In my dream he said that he had the beginnings of cancer, he could feel it and taste it. My late grandmother, (father’s-mother) was sitting there. She said something which my father could not hear but I could; so each time she said something I related it to my dad. My dad lay down in a bed as if he was weak due to the sickness.
It was raining and pouring outside, as the train (we-were-all-in-a-train) wound its way through lush green farms with thick foliage and neat rows of green plants. Outside I saw the white tail of a leopard while the leopard itself was not visible due to the foliage. Inside the train I saw a beautiful person. He was thin, tall with a long white beard his blessed face was full of nur and his name was Ishaq-Alayhissalam.
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
This dream can mean that like Ya`qub (`alayhis ‘Salaam) was prevented to be born first by his twin brother `Aees, who threatened to kill the mother if Ya`qub (as) does not let him come out first. So the first-born right should have been given to Ya`qub (as) who is the true first-born, but instead `Aees took that from him. At the end Ya`qub (as) got his prophetic inheritance from his Father Ishaq (as) , by acting as if he was the first born and since Ishaq (as) was blind he gave the prophetic inheritance to Ya`qub (as), all the while believing he was giving it to `Aeess (the physical first-born), hence the term yu`akkab means “the one who came after or late.”
And Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly