isitkhara 2


I dreamt I was walking in a foreign lands town and a women wear black tried to steal from me I have some coins in my pocket I saw 4. I was calling her as if in Arabic and then I saw a man wear ihram clothing hair not shaved.  Isitkhara for the man i want marry.


Walaykumassalam Wa Rahmatullah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

InshaAllah istikhara is positive. But you need to do something before going forward.

The number four indicates Umra or Hajj that you need to perform. Black color and the woman represents prosperity. In summary if you spend money and the effort to perform Umra or Hajj you will receive prosperity in your marriage life and be blessed with four children insha Allah. But one condition. You must visit Madinatul Munawwara to make ziyara of the Holy Prophet (salla ‘Llahu alayhi wa salam) when you are there to perform the Umra and Hajj. Do not just go for Umra or Hajj and not visit the Prophet (salla ‘Llahu alayhi wa salam).

Syed Shahzaman

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