Dream: Isthikarah: What does the dream mean?


I did isthikarah for marriage the 1st night I woke with a good feeling Alhamdulilah. During the day my sister came back from Cyprus seeing shaykh Nazim. He spoke to her family and touched their heads. At the UK airport from the million people she could have seen she met the couple who bought the marriage proposal forward.

2nd night I did isthikarah i dreamt I am in a shopping mall sitting alone and my brother and sister in law are sitting opposite busy doing puzzles on the newspaper. 1 by 1 dogs come n go. I’m so scared but brother and sister are saying not to worry and I move close. The dogs look harmless. Then 1 jumps on all the stools and then finally at the edge of mine and looks at me. At which I’m not scared and feel protected.

Is this boy good for me?


Insha-Allah because the dog is a friend it means Allah will send you a protective person.

Hajjah Naziha Adil

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