I am 3_ years old and still unmarried. I’m educated, hard working, friendly, attractive, and come from a good family. Yet I have a difficult time searching for the right spouse. There is a man I’m interested in and when I do isthikhara it turns out positive, I seem happy. In the last dream I saw him watching me deliver a baby (boy I think) and the labor was easy and I was very happy when the baby came out. Yet, nothing has happened between us. I’ve been doing dhikr every day. Please do dua for me and provide me with the dream interpretation, also something I can read to help myself.
Thank you for your help.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
Wa `alaykumu s-salāmu wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh,
Insha Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.
You may recite Astaghfirullah al-’Azheem 100-300x daily to remove all obstacles to get married, and also Hasbunallah wa ni’ma l-wakeel 100-300 times daily.
And Allah knows best