I did istkhrah on marrying a guy I liked last year, but instead dreamed of another guy I know. Then by chance, I got to know this other guy in real life and I really started liking him. Sometimes I feel like he likes me and other times I can’t tell. So then I did istkhrah on him, the first dream was good, we kept talking/smiling at each other in different places in the dream. In the last dream I was giving birth to a healthy baby (not sure boy or girl) in a hospital room and he was there standing near the doctors/nurses watching me give birth from the side of the room. I seemed happy at the end of the dream. I woke up right when they were about to cut the umbilical cord. We haven’t kept in touch recently. Please interpret these dreams.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
The istikhara is positive and it means that this marriage would be blessed with rizq represented in the dream by the birth of the baby.
And Allah knows best.