I did istikhara for something and I saw a dream that it’s night and I am carrying a piece of meat which in dream I thought is a open heart. It was not red but looked like washed chicken piece color and I saw I took that meat and was talking to it as if it’s a child and drove to this beautiful place with green hills and beautiful house. I was telling this so called meat in my hands that I assumed is heart in my mind in dream that you are safe and you will be fine now. Kindly tell me what does it mean and is istikhara positive.
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullah
Bismillahir Ramanir Raheem
Insha-Allah the istikhara is positive. A valley of green hills and beautiful houses may mean so many different things, but in general they mean good and positive. It could mean that your heart arrived or will arrive in a situation of religious devotion and, therefore, your iman which is very precious will be safe, so don’t worry. Or it could mean (if you are a man and unmarried), insha Allah you will find a religious young beautiful wife.
Syed Shahzaman