I performed istikarah for guidance to leave the UK as I have lost my job and i am single. These are dreams that i had whilst performing istikarah.
1) I dreamt that I bought the house of my cousin in my home country and she told me that she can still stay in the house which did not seem to make sense. I also saw that i was visiting a girl to check whether i am interested in her. I had rejected the girl last year. However, in this dream she looks more beautiful and younger.
2) I dreamt that i was walking in the market. However, I was wearing nothing no pants but nobody did see me. I was trying to l buy the missing clothes but i was in no hurry.
3) I saw myself in an unknown town and i could hear the Esha adhan.
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
wa `alaykum salaam,
Wearing no pants (half naked) shows deficiency in your religion. Make intention to marry and complete half of your faith. See what your prospects are in your home country. The adhan is a sign of good news coming there.
And Allah knows best.
Dr. Karim