I have received an invite to study a very competitive course, at on of the UK’s top 5 universities, however it is about 4 hours away from my home. My Mum is concerned at the distance and doesn’t want me living too far away from home. So we agreed to do istikhara to seek Allah’s guidance, however, shortly before my Mum was about to do istikhara on my behalf, she went off the idea completely and said an outright no to me going to the interview.
I did istikhara last night with isha as I felt it necessary, and here’s the dream:
It’s very simple as far as I recall, I remember a girl (Asian), was standing in a white long, flowing salwar kameez and I THINK she was singing… or some form of melody was being sounded by her.
Thank you!
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
Wa alaikum salaam,
Try to remain patient in consultation with your parents. If your mother disagrees with you going, find out her reasoning and look for a resolution through consultation. If the answer remains unclear, continue to pray istikharah, but be sure you are open to Allah’s guidance without pushing either way. Use caution.
Wallahu alam.
Kamau Ayubbi