Dream: Istikhara, should I marry him or not?


It’s night walking streets lit by orange streetlamps with man whose face cant see. Feel safe and trust him. Street turns to wildlife area river lit by moon and can see emerald green grass around. The ground is sloppy mud. I walk up small hill with unknown man he helps me up. His face is revealed and it’s the man im thinking of marrying. Becomes a sunny day we both smiling walking together through streets pass three white people 1 girl two boys all smiling too. We go to his mums house I wait downstairs can hear his mum and him talk mum says heat food she will be down soon. He comes down and we stare into each others eyes smiling feel safe happy I try to kiss him he puts GIS index finger on my lips and shakes hand so I suck his index finger became aroused and woke up. Thanks


Good dream pointing to worship, rizq, completion of religion, and
knowledge so the answer is yes.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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