Dream: Istikharah Dream



I want to marry a girl for which I did Istikharah few months back. I saw snake and blood because of which you told me do istikharah again https://eshaykh.com/dreams/istikhara-dream-8.

I did it again for seven days and this is what I saw.
Day 1:I was driving car with my family and the cops were chasing me.
Day 2:I saw that my grandfather passed away though he is alive, mashaAllah.
Day 4:I was going for Umrah (which I am planning to go in coming Ramazan), but when I reached the airport I realized that I have forgot my passport at my home because of which I missed my flight. I woke up really scared that day.

Kindly tell me that what does my dreams mean as I find all of them out of context and are somewhat related to other matters in my life.

P.s.My parents are against this marriage.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salam,
This dream can mean that everything you are doing is going against the flow. The cops after you, your grand father is dead even though he is alive, and going to Umrah but no passport at the airport, are signs clear enough to change direction. The dhikr for this is “Wa ufawwidu amree ila-Llaah inna-Llaaha Baseerun bil `ibaad” at least 300 times a day. Insha’Allah things will change. And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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