Dream: Istikhara:Imam Mahdi (as),Black Wall Around Kaaba


I did istekhara for some personal problems and saw the following dream one day after the Kaaba was washed.
I saw myself inside of Masjid-e-Haram.I could see a glimpse of Kaaba and some people doing Tawaaf-e-Kaaba.Then a voice tells me 3 things:
1. “Upon arrival of Imam Mahdi alayisalam.”
2.”They(those doing Tawaaf)are trying to build a black wall all around Kaaba as a ‘preparation’ for arrival of Imam Mahdi a.s.They are deceiving believers to prevent Imam Mahdi a.s and his friends from entering and offering prayers in Kaaba.Then a fight begins(not visible)between good forces and bad forces.
3.”You have not fulfilled the ‘Haq‘ of istekhara completely but still you are helped by Allah and blessed.”
Kindly interpret my dream.Thank you for interpreting my previous dreams.May Allah bless all of you Ameen!


Alaykum Salam,
The first message is the important one and signifies the nearness of that event. Washing Kaaba means purify our hearts.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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