Assalamu alaykum respected Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, Hajjah Naziha and eShaykh staff.
A fellow mureed dreamt 2 nights ago of a “ugly” jinn following me in my home asking “do you want help?”.
Kindly interpret the dream.
Was salaam
Walaikumas salam Wa Rahmatullahi
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
In general this is indicating that a deceitful person is pretending to help you but in reality trying to put you into problems.
Insha Allah, you will be protected by the barakatul Awlia-Allah. Recite “Auzubillahi minash Shaitwanir Rajeem” 40x daily. Then, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” 100x daily. Then, “La hawla wala Kuwwata illa billahil aliyyul Azeem” 100x daily.
Syed Shahzaman