Dream: Jinn & Ins


During the dream, a voice told me I’ve now been elevated to a higher level, I could see the Djinns and Ins. In reality, I am inclined towards the paranormal side, but my mother did not want that. So to return to the dream, I told my mother what happened to me; she was not well received but she said that if such is the Will of Our Lord, she can only accept my new status as a man who sees the two worlds. Immediately after, in the dream, I heard the Adhan of joumou’a and I saw the humans and jinn rush to go to the mosque. I could see the jinn in the dream because they were wearing clothes with horizontal stripes on their clothes and their hair gathered into a ball.
Please, Cheikh, what does this dream mean?



InshaAllah this is a preview from openings during the time of Sayyidina Mahdi as he is the Sultan of Jinn and Ins.
Wallahu Alam.

Kamau Ayyubi

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