Dream: Kaabah & Umrah



High respect to MSN & MSH & all mashaykhs.
1-I dreamt where I was kissing Kaabah and I can feel all the power from it surrounding me. And the man who proposed to me was nearby and he got flower as gift from a scholar.
2-I dreamt a man that had asked for me for marriage is preparing to bring me to Umrah (Is this a good sign for marriage? Before I got his proposal I dreamt that I saw a picture of a white horse with a man on it was listed as my wedding guest).


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

Both beautiful dreams full of good tidings. In sha Allah it will be a marriage blessed with piety, happiness and pious children. Mabruk.

Dr. Karim

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