Iama sister. I saw this dream just before I got up for fajar. I saw Kaba and was doing tawaf. I went around it once and saw HajrEAswad through a glass. While doing tawaf, I think to myself that I am not good(pious) enough to be touching the Kaba so I keep just like a foot distance from it. I also saw that various Darod were writen on all the walls of the MasjidEHaram, but along with them it said not to recite them. So I think to myself that misguided sects only allow recitation of DaroodEIbrahimi but we can recite others as well. Then I leave and my mom is waiting for me along with a backpack and my black colored jilbab (which i wear in reality) laying on the backpack. We take them and leave.
*Currently I am stressed about my marriage and immigration case*
wa `alaykum salam,
Per Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, read every night hasbunaAllah wa ni`ma ‘l-wakil 100 times and insha-Allah Shaykh Hisham is praying for your problems to be resolved.
Our spiritual masters teach us that difficulties in dunya come to bring us, as believers, closer to our Lord. When in difficulty we turn back to Allah sincerely and ask His Aid and this connects us to our true self.
Through the suffering you experienced, and your turning to Allah, they took you on a spiritual ascension, not to Ka`ba of this world, but to the Ka`ba of the next life, the Much-Frequented House, (al-Bayt al-Ma’mur). There is where angels make tawaf incessantly praising the Lord, and where everything is in its true connection to the Reality of Muhammad (s). That is why you could not quite touch it, and you saw salawat that you were not allowed to read, because this dunya cannot carry them.
And Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui