I had a dream a day ago, I have seen mazhar of Syedunna Adam Alehi Salaam, Maa Hawaa Aleha Salaam & their son Habil, where Adam Alehi Salaam mazhaar was 7.5 feet long beside it Maa Hawaa Aleha Salaam mazhar was there and 2 steps ahead son Habil’s mazhar was there, I was going for ziyarath some buzurg lady told me to do w’udu and go. After that I have seen one long tunnel where some wordings were written in Arabic, I was not able to read and the vision was totally blurry. If I was not in w’udu than that place will throw me from doing ziyarth, this happened two times and I made w’udu two times. Please guide me.
Jazak’Allah Khairun Khair
Alaykum Salam,
A good dream which contains a reminder to keep good thoughts especially around holy people and ziyara of awliya.
Hajj Gibril Haddad