Asalamu Aleikum,
In one of my dream my nafs (in form of a pet-dog) got out of control (i.e not listening to me) and was attacking my lill cousin(I think she was re-presenting one of my frnd) and I tried to protect that person then nafs started attacking me.. my (deceased)-grandmom was also there-dont know why but nafs didnt attack her or anything – on the end I did killed my nafs by ripping him in pieces..and then something came outside of him 2 black flesh fetus/thingi-his brothers?..I also stabbed them to make sure they dont grow and cause any harm to us.. I threw him outside and still fearing that he may re-assemble himself and attack us.
wa `alaykum salam,
It is as you interpreted it, and alhamdulillah you were able to defeat your nafs and prevent even its supporters, dunya (desire for this worldly life) and hawa (lust), to attack you. But beware, they do not stop.
w ‘Allahu `alam,
Taher Siddiqui