I am a mureed of Sheikh Nazim. One day Sheikh Nazim told me I was going to be a great saint at the age of 45. Another day my uncle was telling me that Sheikh Nazim told a person living in the street that the kingdom has been given to only one of his mureeds during the 40 year golden age. I didn’t care, 6 months passed after this event. One night I cried because of thinking I couldn’t be a nice servant for Allah and I slept after crying. Next day in the morning I saw Sheikh Nazim appearing in my room in flashing lights, when I was half awake half asleep. He said: “Kingdom has been given to the one who will be a great saint at the age of 45!”. Please interpret that vision. Am I really that one?
audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
The words of awliya carry deep meaning which we may not be able grasp initially. Be patient and focus on your servanthood to Allah (swt).
Dr. Karim Tourk