Dream: Lion & Crocodile


Assalmu Aliakum ya Sheikh,

My husband saw that he is fighting with two lions. He also saw a crocodile which he tried to kill. Then he saw an unknown dead person in white kaffan he was at peace.
Same night I saw my mother in law eating food at our dining table. She doesn’t live with us and we are in another country but recently went to see her.
What is possible interpretation.

Jazak Allah


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Fighting Lions and Crocodiles in the dream may mean fighting against ones own egotistical bad qualities. The first lion may mean pride of the ego. The second lion may mean lust for leadership. Crocodile means sins. Unknown dead man in white shroud indicates peaceful ending in victory against the enemies for your husband by Allah’s Mercy. Make sure he takes care of his mother’s need according to his ability because by fulfilling the need of the mother, the whole family will be receiving support from Allah to win over enemies.

Syed Shahzaman

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