I dreamed that I was with my cousin, which is a non-Muslim. He notes before me the presence of Rasulullah (s.) and kisses his blessed hand. He (s.) was very tall, and appeared to be sitting over a camel. I note it just after my cousin and kiss his (s.) forearm. I said three times: “Ya Rasulullah, I love you”. He said: “I like what comes out of you, but don’t say this.” I said: “What should I say?” And he replied: “That I am your most beloved one.” Then I said: “Ya Muhammad, anta Habibi!” And he laughed, full of pleasure. Please, could you tell me about the meaning of this dream?
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
wa `alaykum salam,
You are both so blessed to be in the presence of the Prophet (s) in such a beautiful way. Insha Allah your cousin will be guided by the blessing of the Prophet (s).
Dr. Karim