As-salam Alaykum Dear Mawlana Shaykh Hisham! May Allah bless you for all eternity, ameen!
I dreamed there is a huge crowd of people yelling, “Mahdi (a) is here!” I try to look but can’t among all the people, at the same time thinking, “Where is Mawlana?” Then in the distance I see a car and go closer to it. In it I see Mahdi (a) in the back. I’m happy but still want to desperately see Mawlana. Then Mawlana waves at me lovingly with his usual warm smile and I’m over joyed! He is sitting next to Mahdi (a) in the car. We are then told to go to the masjid to pray 2 raka`at.
I kindly request the interpretation, thank you!
As-salam Alaykum
wa `alaykum salam,
They are saying Mahdi but he was not present so it means there is some time for his appearance. Then he was coming in a car, that means time is not yet ripe for his appearance. But the time will come soon. And you asked for Mawlana who appeared to you and he is always in the presence of Mahdi (a.s.) and the presence of Prophet (s) and the presence of awliyaullah. You are asking for the one you love, that is Mawlana, and it means spiritually you are always with him.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani