I’m initially taken by ambulance 2 a hospital/prison like area due 2 overdosing on vitamin D. White scarf on head. We leave together but I can’t see him. I open a door & he’s there. In open space both start kneading dough, roti cooks itself & he puts some in my mouth.
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullah
Bismilahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Khair. Insha Allah, the man you will marry will be very caring and sensitive to your needs. He will be a person of heart and will be there by your side in all your need. Through him Allah will send your rizq. White scarf on head means Insha-Allah you will be loyal and faithful to him. Recite shukranlillah wal hamdulillah every day 100x to show your gratitude towards Allah Subhanahu Ta a’la.
Syed Shahzaman