Assalamu’allaikum Yaa Sayyidi… Peace unto you…
May Al Haqq bless you and to keep increase your maqam to keep together with Sayyidina Muhammad SAW.
Ya Maulana, I have a dream last three months ago that Sulthonul Awliya give me a cap complete with turban that he make it by himself. and again I have dream… you… Maulana Syeikh Hisyam come to me, you was smile in my dream.. and I saw your face is very clear.
Dear My Syeikh.. My Murysid… could you please to let me know what the exactly meaning for both of those my dreams?
Thank you in advance for the most guide, help, affection, to open my eyes to come to the real love.
Wassalamu’allaikum warrahmatullah…
audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem, wa `alaykum salam, Dr. Karim Tourk |