My grandfather passed away at home in Ramadan this year, my sister dreamt last week that Maulana was outside my grandfather’s house. He helped my young 2 year old cousin across the road and then myself (20ish female going through marriage difficulties at the moment with two young daughters) and Maulana walked away and went around the corner away from people who were present. Please indicate what this means for me as we were at the house my grandad died in. Is my time coming soon to leave this world maybe? Or maybe Maulana is reassuring me that all will be ok because of all my problems. I’m a weak mureed. Allah swt bless you all at e shaykh.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
In sha Allah, Mawlana is helping you and your family. Try to be patient with what you are going through until Allah gives you relief. And Allah knows best.
Dr. Karim