Dream: Mawlana amamah


Alsalamualeykum. Kindly pls pass my salam to MSN. Miss him a lot.I dreamed that I walked near grandma house and saw a shaykh I love playing with kid happily. I was actually heading to somewhere with someone. Then I saw an amamah on the ground and recognize its MSN’s amamah.I brought it to MSN and we chat together. MSN said he is glad of me for something which I don’t remember. As far as I remember he mention the name khalifah umar ibn abdel aziz. This is the 2nd time I had the khalifa in my dream which only come in muharram month. And suddenly my father arrive with some people. I have not feel comfy with the grup of people as I am afraid they will not like MSN .MSN is 102 years old in the dream.

wa `alaykum salam,
Khalifah Umar Ibn Abdel Aziz was of khulafa rashidin and represents al-Mahdi as confirmed by Mawlana’s age in your dream, an excellent dream of guidance and protection.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

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