Dream: Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in a masjid courtyard


Salaams to our Shaikh, their family members, and Eshaykh staff.
Saw Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in Jum’a congregation in masjid courtyard. Waiting for him to lead prayers. He moves indoors -I follow. I sit next to a man in white including white turban. Man says/asks something -can’t remember. I immediately moved back one row after the man questions. I ask others if Jum’a prayers have been performed. Still waiting for Mawlana to lead prayers -Mawlana sitting, looking at me. Start crying in his presence.
Then Mawlana in the streets with lots of people -some eating food. He’s surrounded by canopy of pink cherry flowers. Looks beautiful, 20 years younger – I take pictures with camera-phone. Then he leaves and people follow. I desperately follow. In my search, I end up in a hospital where I see my wife getting some kind of treatment (maybe X-ray) in a room with tinted windows.


Walaikum salam wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Being in a Jumma prayer in masjid with Mawlana and crying means you are going to receive immense blessings from Allah by the wasila of Mawlana so much so that you will cry in happiness. Wife in the dream possibly means ones desires. Searching for Mawlana and ending up in the hospital seeing the wife being treated means that Mawlana will treat the bad characters and eventually you will achieve a purity from bad desires (indicated by the man in white).

Syed Shahzaman

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