My aunty and I go in a room to see Mawlana. She sits on their left. I sit directly opposite them. They pass her something to read and pass her a book of Durood Sharif. Then they tell him to read this as he doesn’t like reading the Qur’an. I start leaking tears and start to read poorly. The rest of my family walks in. I continue reading and crying until my cousin asks me for the book of duroods to read, which I give. Mawlana says to me “You hav lost weight, does it happen every winter”? I don’t answer, but look down. My mother says what they just said there was a prayer for you and the dream ends. I couldn’t picture Maulana. It was their presence sat there. I may have made mistakes. Allah knows best.
Walaikum Assalam,
Recite more Darud daily if you can.
Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed