Dream: Mawlana Sheykh Nazim and the White man


in front of Mawlana sitting in a small stone house
He ordered me to host a man with a special appearance that I recognize in seeing him and bring him back. I went out, without knowing where to go, there was nobody Suddenly in front of me I saw an old man with a long white beard and white clothes and very simple. He was accompanied with a billy goat with long white hairs, very luminous, and his eyes were not from goat but from human being, His horns were very long and going horizontally. I said: “it must be you that I wait, I must bring you to Mawlana,please follow me” In fact, he passed me and walked very quickly, and I lost them. I was afraid and I run to prevent Mawlana… they all 3 where waiting me, and when I came in they begin to laugh


wa `alaykum salam,

The man Mawlana Shaykh Nazim asked you to host is your spiritual reality and it appears as a pious shaykh because that is what your inner reality consists of. The goat represents ego, and its best friend, Shaytan, and coming with human eyes means its character is dominant. So Mawlana is signifying by that dream that you must be hospitable to your spiritual side and then your “goatness” (stubbornness, anger, revenge, greed) will turn to human character, insha-Allah, where all three aspects may live together in harmony. Focus on your `ibadah and awrad, reciting Quran and Dala’il al-Khayrat and insha-Allah you will succeed in this.

w ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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