1-I had a weird dream and it worries me…i was walking and its dark because of night..and i saw garbage..n there lies picture of mawlana nazeem and a shaykh i used to follow his spiritual way.
however..my concern only goes for mawlana’s picture n wonder who threw it away.I took mawlana’s picture only and left the shaykh’ photo.
May i be enlighten with true light InshaAllah.ameen.
2-Someone came to me and show the picture of ghawth al azaam abdel qader jailani (ra)when he was 40 and 60 or when he was 20 and 40( i coudn’t remember well). It was before i follow naqshabandi order.thank u and may Allah bless u all.
Alaykum salam ,
These are good dreams pointing to followership and respect on your part. Continue your spiritual duties and Allah will raise your station in sha Allah.
Hajj Gibril Haddad