Assalam u alayekum !
i saw this dream some 2-3 years ago.Now i am describing it as the time is coming closer.
I saw that as if the khilafa had been established all over the world. I went to Syria with a gift of an itar (perfume) and a message from khalifa to Syria’s government. i enterd a mosque in which juma congregation was being held.it was a very pleasant feeling. i felt in dream as if i were khalifa’s diplomat to Syria.
Tell the interpretation please.
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Rahim
Allahumma Salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa Ahili wa Sahbihi Ajma’in
As-Salamu `Alaikum,
Good tidings for you. Generally, seeing the land of Syria in a dream means blessings in wealth.
Furthermore your dream of meeting the Mahdi (as) in Syria is an indication that you will be with him when he appears. Because those who believed and prepared for his coming will be with him because the Prophet (saw) said, “The anticipation for an opening, is worship”. So because of your belief in him by whatever anticipation action you’re doing and the level of belief you have in him is the result of your vision, that you will be with Mahdi (as) with he says the Takbir of his emergence.
And Allah knows best
Sallu `Alayhi
Ismaeel Dhul-Qarnayn