Dream: Meet Allah and Rasulullah


Salam Ya sheikh, during one of zikr session, i was brought to a place full of nur. There I saw my sheikh and there Allah asked me anything that I want ( I was in sujud position and can only hear Allah saying to me). I asked Allah for forgiveness for me, family and all jamaah and also asking Allah if HE could keep all of us in HIS Hadrah which is also b’ granted.I’m very happy to hear that. Then Allah asked me to ‘go down’ to inform the good news to all of them. Upon reaching down, I saw from a distance Rasulullah SAW smiling at me, I quickly run toward him (crying in happiness) and prostrate upon him putting my chin on top of his ‘soft & white’ feet while crying in happiness and relieving my longing to Rasullullah SAW..at that juncture zikr session had just finished.


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah this dream is clear and does not need interpretation. Alhamdulillah you saw Allah swt and Rasulullah (s) and your prayers were granted, so take this as a clear sign of tawfiq and continue in your spiritual suluk, wayfaring, without changing.

Taher Siddiqui

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