I was showering. Someone knocked on the door and said, ”You asked for a towel right?” In a ladies voice. I replied hold on. He said “Just open the door I will pass you the towel now.” So I opened the door and he show his hand with a white towel. I want to take it but he pulled me out of the toilet. It was a man with a white jubah. He didn’t let my hand go. He said (man’s voice) ”Allah accepted your dua about you and that girl’s name.” I started to look up at his face, but he covered with that towel like a ninja. I only see his eyes and I think he gave a bayaah. After that I asked him who are you? I am suddenly seated on a chair and he disappeared and the chair which have wheels moving forward. I heard his voice from loud to soft saying ”I am Jibrael.”
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
It could mean that you will soon have an opening to get married insh Allah and that your marriage will be blessed by Allah (swt).
And Allah knows best,