I saw myself in a pool, even if I was sat on the ledge, I felt the water up to my nose as if my whole body was submerged and it was raining a lot. I was asking for help, as I can’t swim, to get out of there. I was scared to die. The friend who was with me suddenly had an appearance of an elephant laughing at me. Next thing I know, I was out of the pool just like a miracle.
Can you please tell me the meaning of this dream? JazakAllahou khairan
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Walaikum Assalam,
Drowning in a dream is not good if a person does not come out of the water alive. Drowning could mean that a person in indulging in worldly pleasures and matters. Since in your dream you miraculously came out, it means you will amend your life for the better and follow a religious life inchaAllah.
Ali Elsayed