Dream: moon



it is maghrib time,i am with a group of ladies,we are about to travel somewhere,they each have a small gift in there hands,they ask me ‘where is your gift’ i reply that i don’t have one,i then call out ‘where is my moon’ suddenly a full moon appears in the sky and it is so close that i am able to touch it and there is light everywhere.the dream then ends

thank you.


wa `alaykum salam,

Maghrib, as sunset, represents the End Times.  Travel is to the Hereafter and the moon represents the Prophet’s (s) spiritual appearance through the appearance of his grandson and heir through his blood as well as through spirituality, Sayyidina al-Mahdi (as), insha-Allah, and that dream shows it should be soon.

Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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