Mothers Dream on Jummah


Mothers Dream on Jummah: My mums deceased cousin sister gives her a bowl. Mum tells her cousin that her time piece/clock is not working. Mums cousin says press the number 3 & the little dot next to it and then “the time will be right.” Then in the same dream my mum sees an elderly man with a white beard selling time pieces with Allahs names & Qur’An verses written on them along with rugs. He shows mum 5-6  timepieces.
Then, holding one timepiece in particular saying take this as all my life’s efforts & savings are in it & she agrees. Mum then looks at rugs. The rugs are different sizes & then she sees one the size of a prayer mat & says I’ll take this. Please interpret


Your mother is focused on Akhira and is getting guidance on how to proceed in life:

  1. focus on praying from 3 am until Salat al-Fajr daily
  2.  spend as much of her time in prayer and reciting Holy Quran
  3. a gift from a saint of all his good deeds – try to figure out who it is and pray for him always.

Taher Siddiqui

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