Thursday dreamt I in big house and lots of men and women wearing red turbans and cloaks. my family were in the house and the house had glass windows all four sides. saw a white substance like jelly around the house there was trouble outside and this was a safety measure so no one would get hurt. saw this jelly draining and saw a chicken going down the drain. I was in a wheelchair and my brother was taking me outside. On the bench I saw Moulana Nazim sitting on the bench in big garden and my brother walked to the bench parked the wheelchair and sat down. I noticed that my knees to my feet no trousers on. Moulana looked at me and I woke up in a fright why I had no covering from my knees. tell me what this means make duas for shifa and good health.
wa `alaykum salam,
Red turbans indicate power to battle against evil and the glass house indicates purification of your heart. Sitting in a wheelchair indicate recovering well from an illness and exposing your legs means you held thoughts which you now realize were wrong and you have realized your errors by Mawlana’s blessings, and Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui