1) I saw MSN in my dream and he is sleeping adjacent to my bed
what does this mean ?
2) I always carry the ALLAHU-HAQ tawiz printout and MSN photo in my shirts pocket. Before i became naqshbandi i carried tawiz of another awliyah
in a dream i saw M.S.Hishaam telling me take it off ur pocket
I couldnt understand whether he said to take out previous twiz or the ALLAHU-HAQ one?
3) I saw in a dream thatI and my elder brother in ROZA-E-RASOOL SAW telling brother to step properly since it is roza of Master of Masters
please guide me with
You are in the canopy of protection like ashabul kahf. Allahu Haqq is enough for you. In sha Allah you will be close to Rasulullah (upon him blessings and peace).
Hajj Gibril Haddad